Passive devices bring distortion. At the same time, higher impedance wire and pin element circuits, more metal packages and fewer external nodes also make things easier. In addition, there are multiple pulses in their self-recovery.
The higher the frequency, the greater the fuse effect. Working voltage to higher, slower, more robust, less sensitive, surge voltage fuses. In addition, the reduction of chip operating voltage helps to greatly improve the agility of response in Ren Zhengfei and high-energy transients (fixed node heating/melting). The lower operating frequency means that the protection speed is not so important. But there are more handheld devices. Several major factors in the past have been the design of the fuse box. (Related knowledge: how to distinguish whether a fuse is fast or slow) Therefore, the fuse holder effectively protects the new consumer electronics audio and video I/O lines and RF connection ports without sacrificing performance; protects the hardware of the model communication connection; in a wide frequency range and does not disturb the device property; in The frequency ultra-wideband circuit uses a pf below 1 GHz; the minimum value under the premise of the capacitor leakage current in the closed state to reduce noise
Reduce the signal distortion and attenuation of the working circuit caused by the ESD suppressor element; provide effective protection, thereby triggering and clamping characteristics and circuit device requirements; the required assembly features, form factors and PCB packages are convenient for high-speed automatic assembly Production line; In a variety of optional equipment, it is best not to change the circuit board case with high interchangeability in the product life cycle and high reliability. Now consider the cost factor.
At the same time, the new high-frequency digital equipment is used to close the leakage current and reduce the noise. Minimize the cost of major equipment. (Recommended reading: Self-recoverab
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